速報APP / 生活品味 / Kalenjin names and Meaning

Kalenjin names and Meaning





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Kalenjin names and Meaning(圖1)-速報App

Kalenjin Baby Names and Meaning.

At the start of every LIFE, there is always a gift. That gift is the name that the baby will use for the rest of his/her life. The name will form part of the identity to the child. In Africa every ethnic community has a ceremony for naming babies and the names have meaning depending with the naming context of the respective tribe.

Every community names their loved ones with names that carry a meaning or symbol. The The Kalenjin tribe belongs to the Nilotic ethnic group.

Kalenjin names and Meaning(圖2)-速報App

These highland Nilotes include eight culturally and linguistically related groups or tribes, namely Kipsigis, Nandi, Tugen, Marakwet, Keiyo, Pokot, Sabaot and Terik.

This App contains all Kalenjin names and meaning.

This App has the following features:

Kalenjin names and Meaning(圖3)-速報App

- Names and meaning of the Kalenjin community.

- Favourite feature.

- Share button.

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- Copy button.

Are u blessed with a baby? Or do you want to know the meaning of the names of the Kalenjin community? Download this App.

Kalenjin names and Meaning(圖5)-速報App